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Everyone wondered


When you are trapped and cornered several things start to happen the adrenaline starts to pump your heart beat pounds in your ears you sweat you panic

All of this happened to me as I paced around the cupboard trying to collect my thoughts none of this was helped b the continuous pounding on the door

I took a deep breath and checked the door it was solid and the lock was sturdy it would hold but that didn't help me with getting out of the room

I looked around the room not much in the way of useful implements a few boxes of hand towels toilet paper some mops the mop stick i had used to repel my attacker earlier some bin bags and that was about it, I checked my bag that I brought with me hoping that somehow a machine gun had materialized in there at some point of course it hadn't just a spare t-shirt a can of Irn bru a book day by day Armageddon and some Doritos


Outside every thing had gone quiet all I could here was the pounding on the door guess it was to much to ask for them to forget about me and move on

I looked at my options 1st the door pretty much suicide I would be lucky to make my way past the one at the door and had no idea how many more were out there if this had happened to every one on the ward it could be as many as 50 30 patients and various amounts of staff if they hadn't already fled

Another option was the wall the hospital executive board had bragged about how the hospital was future proof if anything needed rewiring or new systems needed to be put in could could just smash in to the cheap wall and put it in but by the time I smashed m way through odds are the things would of heard me

Or the 3rd option sit tight cross my fingers hope the door holds and they get bored this was the most appealing option but i had no idea how long this would take it could be days or they could just stay there none of the options was particularly jumping out to me I looked up to the heavens asking God for an answer and surprisingly he responded I smiled as I saw my way out

I piled up a couple of hand towel boxes and climbed up on top of them I pushed the cheap board up and looked up in to the gap between the main ceiling and the false ceiling where various cables ran I was reminded of aliens worrying about if one of those things had climbed up here to I didn't fancy one coming up behind me and getting bit on the arse

But the pounding and groans on the door drove me up only pausing to grab my coat (it was chilly outside didn't want to catch my death) and the mop handle not sure why but I just felt better by having it in my hand

I threw the pole up and then hauled myself up replacing the board behind me wasn't sure if they were smart enough to follow me but didn't want to take the chance

It was dim up here dusty as hell enough room for me to crouch but that's about it

but at least I could see where I was going I slowly made my way across the beams testing each step carefully I didn't want to risk putting my foot through a board falling through the ceiling twisting my ankle and being devoured

I made my way to the east for about 15 meters I stopped I should by my estimation be just above the door I removed the panel and looked down a body couldn't make out who's it was half the face was missing the other half caked in blood I suppressed my reaction to puke but 2 more panels over and I would be on the other side of the door that required a swipe card to open i doubt these things were to smart to work it out I stooped over to the panel i needed and pulled it up I looked through both ways down the corridor all clear

I gently dropped down and looked back in to the ward I didn't want to but couldn't help myself there they were just shambling around 1 looked at me I knew her a moan escaped her lips and they all proceeded to the door banging and shoving it fortunately they were to dumb to work out the swipe card I moved closer to the door looking through the glass gazing in to there eyes I saw nothing just emptiness they continued to paw at the glass I saw something

I threw myself to the side just as I one of them slammed in to the door where I was a second earlier where the hell had it come from? Had they escaped in to the main part of the hospital had the people that had been bitten and sent to a and e turned and spread the infection? I didn't have time to contemplate this any further as the creature was coming at me again not seeing a fire extinguisher near by I held only the pole as a weapon I held it in both hands keeping it between me and it it lunged and I swung the pole straight in to its knee cap it sank to one knee it looked up and roared but at this point it was roaring at nothing as I had taken off down the corridor closing the doors behind me thank you resident evil for the advice

I swiped my card again and walked passed maternity I could here screaming and crying i couldn't bring myself to look in but blood was seeping under the door and in to the corridor

The elevator was just round the corner I would take it to the ground floor and head out through the underground parking area

As I was waiting for the elevator i considered that the stairs would have been a better idea I wasn't paying attention and it almost killed me I headed straight in to the lift with out thinking tucked in to the corner just out of view it hurled itself at me it caught me on the side I some how managed to get the pole up between me and its teeth its mouth biting in to it

It was a girl blue top blonde hair jeans I'm not sure I was to busy trying not to get eaten to play fashion police

I managed to get my foot up and drive it in to her stomach i then used my weapon to hold her against the wall while I reached for the ground floor button the door slid shut and i could use both hands to hold her in place

The ride down seemed to take forever hopefully they would not be outside the elevator door waiting for me

The door opened it was clear and I sprinted out the elevator leaving the thing was behind me

The corridors in the hospital are wide and offered a nice area to dodge around I was going to need it the ground floor was swarming with them broken glass broken bodies everywhere people yelled and cried I just kept going and going it was easy to dodge most of the creatures were to preoccupied with others

I was approaching the main lobby I could head out here but the revolving door would be suicide best to take the stairs down a floor and head through parking I was almost at the stairs just passing the coffee shop when one came out of nowhere waving an arm at me I ducked it raised the pole in both hands caught it under the chin and drove it bakc and knocked it straight through the glass divider between the stairs and the floor we both tumbled over my momentum carrying me down with it I landed on top of it I heard the pole snap its neck as we landed

But although its body could no longer move its head continued to tr and bite me I stomped on it it stopped

I stumbled to my feet winded but there was the door leading out to the parking area I had made it

I swiped m card and headed through in to the parking area it was deserted I walked through freely.I walked out and stood on the pavement just outside the hospital emergency vehicles were racing past me to the hospital i walked up the slope to see the hospital everything had changed people were on the ground being eaten or shambling around with blank face pursuing those few who still remained among the living

The staff bus pulled up to the main entrance and opened its door the driver realized the mistake to late the things forced there way on and attacked ever one on board

There is nothing I could do I turned round and started the long 2 mile run home.
